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Earlobe piercings usually heal in 5-8 weeks, while it is not uncommon for it to take several months. At this location you can choose between a large selection of rings and barbells/labrets, and we pierce everything from 1 to 4mm.
One must be careful with what kind of material one uses in the first year while the surface inside the piercing is still being modelled. It is best to avoid silver jewellery, and rather stick to titanium, steel or gold. You should also avoid hanging jewellery, and ensure that there is jewelery in the piercing at all times so that the hole does not shrink.
øreflipp med titanblomst
øreflipp med opalcabochon
trippel øreflipp
øreflipp med niobiumsring
Floating Gem eyelet
tretunnel fra Quetzalli
ringer i tigeribenholt
Floating Gem eyelet
trippel øreflipp
øreflipp og -kant, pluss industrial
øreflipp og tragus med titaneyelet
øresmykker i messing
Anchor 9
The ear cartilage has many variations and possibilities for piercing. It is worth noting that these placements take a long time to heal, and require a lot of consideration during the healing period. The piercing is easily irritated by pressure and movement, so you must avoid lying on your side, using a headset or earplugs, a helmet, and pressing the phone close.
Anchor 7
trippel helix
helix med Colombo
dobbel helix med Sarai
dobbel helix
dobbel helix
dobbel helix og tragus
dobbel helix
ørekant med gullfjær
ørekant med fjær i hvitt gull
trippel ørekant
ørekant med dobbel ring, og tragus
Ear edge, or "helix" as it is also called, refers to the area from the top of the earlobe where the cartilage begins to where the ear attaches. This placement takes a minimum of 4-6 months to heal. We recommend healing with a barbell or labret to reduce the risk of movement irritation that a ring gives. You should wait at least 9 months before ringing.
Anchor 2
trippel forward helix og tragus
dobbel forward helix med opaler
dobbel forward helix, ørekant, conch
trippel forward helix og conch
forward helix med gullfjær
forward helix med gullblomst
forward helix og helix
dobbel forward helix
dobbel forward helix og tragus
dobbel forward helix, helix, tragus
trippel forward helix
forward helix og helix
Forward helix piercing sits in the front part of the edge of the ear, above the tragus where the ear is attached to the head. This placement can be a little less exposed to pressure than a normal ear rim piercing, and can therefore heal in 3-5 months. Here we mostly put 1mm microlabret, but you can pierce with thicker jewelery if you wish. You should wait at least 9 months before ringing.
Anchor 8
trippel conch
conch, øreflipp
5mm conch
conch med Prium, tragus
conch, dobbel deep helix
conch, orbital
conch orbital
conch med Prium, tragus
dobbel conch, dbl faux rook
conch, tragus
trippel conch, tragus
dobbel conch, tragus
A conch piercing sits inside the auricle. One should heal this location with a barbell or labret, and rather put a ring when the piercing has healed. You can pierce almost any thickness in conch, but if you want larger than 2-2.5mm, it is better to punch (punch out a piece) to minimize the pressure on the cartilage.
Anchor 5
dobbel rook, ørekant
rook med blomst, conch
rook med Bali
rook, dobbel helix, tragus
rook, trippel helix, tragus
rook med Trinity
rook, tragus
rook med hjerte
rook, ørekant
rook med dobbel ring
rook med hjertering
A rook piercing sits in the thin fold at the end of the anti-helix, directly behind the forward helix location. In this we mostly put 1.2mm bent barbell, but we pierce with other thicknesses as well. You should wait at least 9 months before ringing. Grow time usually 4-6 months.
Anchor 4
dobbel tragus
tragus med gullfjær, rook, helix
tragus, dobbel deep helix
tragus, dobbel deep helix
dobbel tragus
dobbel tragus
tragus, conch
tragus, conch
tragus, faux rook
The tragus is the small flap in front of the ear canal. In this position, we mostly put 1.2mm straight barbells, but pierce with other thicknesses as well. Grow time 4-6 months. You should wait at least 9 months before ringing.
Anchor 6
snug, 5mm ørekant
lav snug
anti-tragus, ørekant
The anti-tragus is the small flap that stands opposite the tragus, above the earlobe. Piercing in this location heals best if you have a thin, defined fold.
A snug piercing can sit from the area behind the anti-tragus and upwards along the anti-helix. We only set this location if you have a thin defined edge. It can become quite swollen and be difficult to heal.
We set both anti-tragus and snug with a bent barbell, usually 1.2mm thick. Grow time 4-8 months.
Anchor 3
daith, tragus
dobbel daith
daith, tragus
daith med hjertering
daith med LunEAR, dbl fwd helix
daith, tragus, helix
daith, helix
daith, deep helix
daith, helix
A daith piercing sits in the fold where the forward helix flattens out into the ear shell. Not everyone has enough edge to put this piercing. We mostly wear rings, but you can choose from many variations of jewelery such as heart rings or bent or straight barbells. Grotid 6-8 months.
Anchor 1
industrial, daith
industrial, conch
orbital, transverse lobe
dobbel industrial
dobbel orbital
industrial, helix
When you put two or more piercings together with one barbell, this is called an industrial. When you set a ring, it is called an orbital. Connecting the piercings with one piece of jewelry while they are healing extends the healing time, which is estimated to be at least 6-12 months.
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